
[book] Top Hacking Books


There is Growing demand for computer experts who can perform ethical hacking work due to the increased use of the Internet. However, it is not easy to become a ethical hacker without the basic knowledge of computer and network security,
Best Hacking Books

it's difficult for beginners to become a hacker, without learning from proper sources, so experts recommend always to start reading book's about networking and hacking to know what you are really doing and how to do it the right way.
hacking is like an art and it's really easy to learn once you start in the right place,
taking your first step into ethical hacking may seem difficult but once you take that step things will become easy and it will feel like you just break a huge wall that was holding you from entering this exciting art,

In penetration testing the key to success is knowledge and this list of the books will teach you how to become a hacker.

Best Hacking Books for Beginners
Rtfm: Red Team Field Manual
The Red Team Field Manual is an excellent command line book written by an experienced pentester, it is very handy and effective a guide that  contains 90 pages of commands for Windows, Linux, Nmap, SQLMAP, VPN, Putty, Powershell, python and Google Hacking, It features around 2000 syntax and their respective tutorials from basic to advance. it will save you time looking up the hard to remember Windows nuances such as Windows wmic and dsquery command line tools,
Another most exciting and important thing you'll learn is new Red Teaming techniques which is to be known as very effective skill of a penetration tester.

CEH Certified Ethical Hacker

CEH Certified Ethical Hacker All-in-One Exam Guide, Third Edition 3rd Edition
It is a well written book in all Ethical Hacking Books. This comprehensive guide offers complete coverage of the EC-Council’s Certified Ethical Hacker exam. In order to take full advantage of the crisp and clear writing in this book, the reader must have some little knowledge of basic networking. 
Thoroughly revised for current exam objectives, this integrated self-study system offers complete coverage of the EC Council's Certified Ethical Hacker v9 exam. Inside, IT security expert Matt Walker discusses all of the tools, techniques, and exploits relevant to the CEH exam. Readers will find learning objectives at the beginning of each chapter, exam tips, end-of-chapter reviews, and practice exam questions with in-depth answer explanations.
An integrated study system based on proven pedagogy, CEH Certified Ethical Hacker All-in-One Exam Guide, Third Edition, features brand-new explanations of cloud computing and mobile platforms and addresses vulnerabilities to the latest technologies and operating systems. Readers will learn about footprinting and reconnaissance, malware, hacking Web applications and mobile platforms, cloud computing vulnerabilities, and much more. Designed to help you pass the exam with ease, this authoritative resource will also serve as an essential on-the-job reference.
  • Features more than 400 accurate practice questions
  • Electronic content includes test engine that provides full-length practice exams and customized quizzes by chapter 
  • Written by an experienced educator with more than 30 years of experience in the field

Black Hat Python: Python Programming for Hackers and Pentesters

You may know the importance of programming languages for hackers specially Python, one of the most useful and essential language for hackers because whenever it comes to creating powerful hacking tools or scripts, Python is foremost. This book teaches you Python programming and explores the darker side of its capabilities like creating stealthy trojans, extending Burp-Suite, and escalating Windows privileges. it explains various neat and powerful ways to penetrate into a system. It focuses more on black hat techniques like writing exploits & network sniffers, manipulating packets and infecting virtual machines. This book contains creative challenges to test you and it's highly recommended.

Hacking: The Art of Exploitation

This hacking book is a must read for beginners. It is best among many Ethical Hacking Books. This book provides you knowledge about the obstacles beginners facing during the beginning of their ethical hacking profession. This book can help beginners do their job more professionally.

is considered to be greatest hacking book of all time and a must read for every hacker. It is very unique in every term, Unlike others it spends more time explaining technical foundation and How things work from inside. So instead of directly taking you through tutorials it will first make you understand underlying mechanism and architectures and then it teaches you How to outsmart security measures, corrupt system, Wireless encryption cracking and Network attacks etc. Programming language coverage includes C, Assembly Language and Shell Scripting.
🔻Number #2 Metasploit: The Penetration Tester’s Guide
Metasploit: The Penetration Tester’s Guide
This book deals with Penetration Testing by making use of the open source Metasploit Framework. It is beneficial for the readers who do not have any prior knowledge about Metasploit. The Metasploit Framework makes discovering, exploiting, and sharing vulnerabilities quick and relatively painless.

At the end of the book, the reader will get sufficient knowledge of penetration test. It provides you with an actual penetration test’s simulated version so as to provide you with a realistic experience.

you will Learn how to:

  • Find and exploit unmaintained, misconfigured, and unpatched systems
  • Perform reconnaissance and find valuable information about your target
  • Bypass anti-virus technologies and circumvent security controls
  • Integrate Nmap, NeXpose, and Nessus with Metasploit to automate discovery
  • Use the Meterpreter shell to launch further attacks from inside the network
  • Harness standalone Metasploit utilities, third-party tools, and plug-ins
  • Learn how to write your own Meterpreter post exploitation modules and scripts
You'll even touch on exploit discovery for zero-day research, write a fuzzer, port existing exploits into the Framework, and learn how to cover your tracks
🔻Number #1 The Basics of Hacking and Penetration Testing
The Basics of Hacking and Penetration Testing
The Basics of Hacking and Penetration Testing, 2nd Ed. serves as an introduction to the steps required to complete a penetration test or perform an ethical hack from beginning to end. No prior hacking experience is needed. You will learn how to properly utilize and interpret the results of modern day hacking tools

This is probably the best hacking book for beginners it covers range of chapters on penetration testing and instructs you How to perform an ethical hack from very basic. The initial part serves as an introduction to ethical hacking and common pentesting methods. Reader will learn to use Kali Linux with great ease and what's more fascinating is that it focuses heavily on tools usage like Nessus, Nmap, Metasploit, SET, w3af, Netcat, MetaGooFil etc. It explains everything in detail and simple manner, so if you are looking to get started then I'd say, “Go for it without any second thought.”
The Hacker Playbook 2

The Hacker Playbook tops our list because of its vast topics coverage on pentesting and hacking tutorials. It's a greatly informative book which teaches you step-by-step pentesting and guides you with practical methods, hands on examples and helpful advice from experts. Apart from that, It also focuses on advance topics such as attacking networks, privilege escalation and evading antiviruses. It is completely dedicated to penetration testing methods in ethical manner, which is really helpful for newbies.

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